Enroll for Summer Camps & Workshops Here
Summer is a wonderful time to make new dance friends and experience new dance styles.
• July-August Theatre Dance for kids with Jess and Floryn
•July 8-July 31 Exploring Dance thru Movement Play age 2-3 ; Exploring Dance thru Ballet and Tap age 4-6
Exploring Dance thru Ballet,Tap,Hip hop age 6-8
•July 8-August 31 Multi genre Workshops in Ballet, Lyrical, Tap, Hiphop age 7-10
•July 21-July 25 Ballet and Modern Intensive with Heather and Orion age 12+
•July 6 th-August 24 Alumni Lyrical Class with Jess age teen -adult
Click here to enroll in Summer Berest Dance Center
Click here to enroll in Summer Adult Program
Young Child and Lower Level
Exploring Dance thru Movement Play for ages 2-3 matures many different physical skills: walking, running, jumping and climbing - locomotor skills and the non-locomotor skills of bending, twisting and stretching. This class is a playful combination of chlldhood songs, games and stories to music using a wide range of motivational props. No special shoes are required.
Exploring Dance thru Ballet and Tap for ages 4-6 is a more traditional approach to learning these genres in a gentle disciple that is age appropriate. Ballet and Tap shoes required.
Exploring Dance thru Ballet,Tap and Hiphop for ages 6-8 provides a multi-genre class which focuses on the movement development reqired for each stylle. Ballet and Tap shoes are required.
S c h e d u l e
Exploring Dance thru Movement Play
4:30-5:15 pm (age 2-3) $135
Exploring Dance thru Ballet and Tap
4:30-5:15 pm (age 4-6) $135
Exploring Dance thru Ballet,Tap,Hiphop
5:30-6:30 pm (age 6-8) $150
Lower Level
Multi-Genre Workhop including Ballet,Tap,Hiphop and Lyrical Dance Styles for ages 7-10 will present an opportunity to experience different dance styles within the same class. Ballet and Tap shoes required.
S c h e d u l e
Wednesday-Thursday July 9-August 7
4-6 pm (ages 8-11) 1 week $108 2 weeks $216
3 weeks $324
Ballet and Modern with Heather and Orion is a 5 hr Intensive that includes a Talylor style of Modenn with Repertory and a showing on the final day of class.
LYRICAL with Jess Is a generational class , teens alumni and adults are welcome . It is a favorite of our alumni who continue to dance with us in the summer .
S c h e d u l e
Sunday July 7 August 18 by the class
7-8:30 pm This is a donation class. All contributions will go toward supporting our Dance for Joy Outreach program.
DANCE FOR THEATRE KIDS with Jess and Floryn.
These classes are offered at the begiiner and Intermediate level of training for those who want to study dance to enhance their theatre presence on stage in school productions.
S c h e d u l e
Sunday July 6-July 27 $135
Theatre Dance Kids
6-7 pm
Wednesday-Thursday August 6-27
Theatre Dance Kids
5-6:30 pm $180
- Lancelot E. Theobald Jr, Tap & Hip Hop Instructor